Thank you for giving to Jesus Loves Kzoo!
To donate by check, write to “Jesus Loves Kzoo” and mail to:
Jesus Loves Kzoo,
PO BOX 2194
Kalamazoo, MI 49003
Every donation received is critical to ensure that the movement continues.
To put on our “Catalyst Bursts” and “Worship in the Parks” has many real costs. In addition to paying for park feeds, our community events will serve a couple thousand meals throughout all the Prayer & Grill Sites across the region and over 2000 bottled waters will be handed out while praying with folks in the neighborhood streets! Whew! We are so thankful for every item donated and dollar given!
At this time God is also leading us to obtain a building where we can intentionally continue our outreach and ministry all year round. We are feeling called to have a place we can meet physical needs and host discipleship classes for men and women.
Thank you for prayerfully considering sowing into this ministry. Your tax-deductible gift will be used toward advancing God’s Kingdom in our Region, not only through our summer events, but all year long!
Material Needs for JLK Efforts Below
Catalyst Bursts: Food / Paper Products
We hope to serve thousands of meals during our multiple Catalyst Bursts this Summer!
Thank you for all your help this summer – please start gathering these items next Spring for next Summer
Bottled Waters (cases of 24-32, 16.9 oz or smaller)
Plates / Napkins /Cups
Freeze Pops for Street Teams
Christmas will be here before we know it. By November we will release a specific list through sign up genius, but here are some of the items we usually collect to share with the families who come.
School items for stocking stuffers – fun pens, flash cards, cute notebooks, movie candy
Socks and Underwear. (toddler to adult sizes)
Gifts $10-20 – Toddler to Teen (girls and boys)

Other Items Needed for Catalyst Week
Devotionals -written for the new believer
Please contact us if you might be able to help with any of these items!