Sharing the Good News
and Love of Jesus Christ
Positioning the Church
for Revival in the Kalamazoo
Region for His Glory

Cultivate Unity

Reveal God's Kingdom

Engage the Church

Church of Kalamazoo:
In 2008 “Jesus Loves Kzoo” started out as a small Vanguard Street Ministry outreach event on the North side of Kalamazoo with volunteers from two local churches. Since that time, “Jesus Loves Kzoo” has grown to become not only an event, but a “Gospel Movement” that has ignited and unified the Body of Christ to do the Great Commission together, sharing the love of Jesus throughout the Kalamazoo region. In 2019, over 50 Christ-following churches and ministries were represented among the hundreds of volunteers!
We believe in one God, Creator of the heavens and the earth, infinitely perfect and eternal existing in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The perfection with which God created everything was subjected to a curse through the disobedience of humankind and, as a result, a separation between God and creation was formed. With this separation came sin, sickness, disease, and death all of which were foreign to the perfection with which God created everything.
Jesus Christ is the solution to this problem. Being fully God and fully human, he was born, died on the cross, rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and lives forever as the mediator between God and humankind. Through faith in Jesus alone, the Holy Spirit can now indwell all who believe and provide the salvation Jesus paid for.
We believe that the Bible is the Holy Spirit inspired Word of God and the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of humankind. It has divine authority for all Christian life and faith.
We believe in the personal imminent return of Jesus Christ and that, until that return happens, his body, the community of believers, is to work diligently to spread the good news and work to see God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.