
Every donation received is critical to ensure that the movement continues.

Your tax-deductible gift will be used toward advancing God’s Kingdom in our Region, not only through Catalyst Week, but all year long!


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An outreach with the size and scope of “Catalyst Week” has many real costs.  In addition to the large ‘OneWorship’ community event at Bronson Park, over 8,000 meals were served at thirteen different Prayer & Grill Sites Monday through Friday and over 5000 bottled waters were handed out while praying with folks in the neighborhood streets! Whew! We are so thankful for every item donated and dollar given!

However, the Jesus Loves Kzoo movement does not stop after Catalyst Week! Throughout the year, the vital “JLK/365” follow-up effort continues. There are also monthly prayer gatherings for leaders and community worship events focused calling the Church to repent, turn, seek and pray together for our region!

Thank you for prayerfully considering sowing into this ministry. We trust that God will multiply all that is given!