Jesus Loves Kzoo is partnering with this Civil Righteousness, Inc online prayer event. 

Pray on MLK – National Broadcast

Monday, January 18 (8:00 pm EST)

Online Prayer Event 

What is Pray on MLK?

The Church is Uniting as One Voice on One Day, Praying for One Dream for the Glory of One King Jesus!

We believe Jesus Christ is the answer to the complex cultural challenges that exist within the U.S. and across the globe. In this national moment of “racial reckoning”, the Body of Christ must put feet to our faith by leading the nation in truth and reconciliation. We believe that this year especially, the federal Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday is a divine opportunity for the Church to take a united step forward through corporate prayer, worship, and public action. As we are entering this new year, we are covenanting to usher in a new era of righteousness and justice in united pursuit of God’s dream for all people. As people of faith take their place on the walls of history through the simplicity of the Gospel, we hear the chains of iniquity breaking.


January 18, 2021

8:00 pm EST

Location:  Online Event

Will be available for viewing on the Jesus Loves Kzoo facebook watchparty event and at

This was a NATIONAL broadcast with LOCAL Kalamazoo involvement!
We were so excited that a JLK OneWorship team (local multi-cultural team representing several churches) was of the teams participating in this event! To God be all the Glory!

JLK OneWorship Team – Refiner

JLK OneWorship Team – Intentional & You Desere It / Eres Digno