Jesus Loves Kzoo is partnering with this Civil Righteousness, Inc online prayer event.
Pray on MLK – National Broadcast
Monday, January 18 (8:00 pm EST)
Online Prayer Event
What is Pray on MLK?
The Church is Uniting as One Voice on One Day, Praying for One Dream for the Glory of One King Jesus!
January 18, 2021
8:00 pm EST
Location: Online Event
Will be available for viewing on the Jesus Loves Kzoo facebook watchparty event and at https://prayonmlk.org/
This was a NATIONAL broadcast with LOCAL Kalamazoo involvement!
We were so excited that a JLK OneWorship team (local multi-cultural team representing several churches) was of the teams participating in this event! To God be all the Glory!

JLK OneWorship Team – Refiner
JLK OneWorship Team – Intentional & You Desere It / Eres Digno