OneWorship Encounter | Journey into Freedom
Culminating the Listen. Learn. Lament. Love Prayer Room Experience
Sponsored by Jesus Loves Kzoo and the Kalamazoo House of Prayer
Friday, February 26 @ 7pm
Location: Southridge Church, 6726 Texas Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49009
*Join In-Person or Online beginning at 6:55 (click on red or blue button above)
As our Interactive Prayer Room experience (“Journey Into Freedom: Listen. Learn. Lament. Love.”) comes to a close, be sure to join us for the important ONEWORSHIP ENCOUNTER that will be happening on Friday, February 26 @ 7pm (the night before the prayer room ends).
This is our time to enter into lament, prayer, healing and worship TOGETHER. It will be held in-person and also shared online (through Facebook).
LOCATION NOTE: Although the Prayer Room itself will be located at KFirst, this OneWorship Encounter will be held at a different location — Southridge Church (6726 Texas Drive, Kalamazoo 49009)
For More Prayer Room Info: https://jesusloveskzoo.org/prayer-room/
OneWorship Encounter Details
Friday, Feb 26, 2021
7-9 PM
Southridge Church
6726 Texas Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49009
We welcome you to attend In-Person (with covid precautions) and we will also share online on our facebook page.