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Civil Righteousness Conference Recap…
Jesus Loves Kzoo, Kalamazoo House of Prayer and the Northside Ministerial Alliance partnered on March 8, 2019 to bring you this year’s Civil Righteousness Conference, featuring guest speakers Sean Smith and Paul Hughes.
In the morning, close to 150 church, civic and business leaders in the Kalamazoo region gathered at the “table of brotherhood” seeking Kingdom solutions for the wounds and divisions in our community (and nation). It was a packed morning of worship, prayer, discussion and a powerful message of justice and reconciliation from guest speakers Sean Smith and Paul Hughes.
The evening event (Pack the House) was geared toward empowering the next generation to be agents of reconciliation! Thank you Mt. Zion Baptist Church (morning event) and Trenches Community Church (evening event) for generously hosted this year’s events and for your Christ-centered leadership and being “Bridge-Builders” in our community!
A few nuggets from the day…
“It’s going to take a united church to heal a divided nation.”
“Our call as the People of God is to build bridges in times of crisis…”
“Reconciliation will NOT happen in organized events, but in the unplanned moments…Deep friendship across racial lines is really the answer.”
Some attendees shared a few ‘next steps’ they feel God is calling them to in their spheres of influence…
“I will not be silent when I hear subtle racial remarks. I will continue to befriend people that are not the same ethnicity as me.”
“Get together with people I normally I don’t. Do more life with them.”
“As our church community moves to launch a multiple site in an area of greater diversity, I am inspired to help lead conversations about diversity awareness not only racially, but demographically.”
Nothing can replace actually “being there” and sitting at the “table of brotherhood” together. However if you were not able to make it, we encourage you to spend some time listening to Sean’s message by clicking on the video links to the left!
We showed this video at the conference… “A Love that Forgives”. It was produced by Paul Hughes son and was created for the anniversary of the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham.
What is Civil Righteousness?
Civil Righteousness is a movement that seeks Kingdom solutions to healing racial wounds in our nation. As justice and righteousness are the foundation of God’s eternal throne, true justice cannot be a reality unless it pours from the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
Civil Righteousness is a voice for the government of God, channeling justice through righteousness.
• A prayer-fueled justice movement focused on the most challenging issues in America and beyond.
• A reconciliation movement applying the Gospel to the historic divisions in America.
• A righteousness movement taking the Gospel of the Kingdom to broken communities.

Who is Sean Smith?
Sean is an international speaker, author, and the founder of Sean Smith Ministries. In his 30 years of ministry, Sean has witnessed thousand of healings and salvations. His heart burns to see an outpouring of the Spirit transform our nation. Sean also carries a powerful personal testimony of restoration and healing: as a child his father was tragically killed by a police officer (who was a confirmed member of the KKK). Sean has ministered at numerous racial reconciliation and healing events across the Sacramento region. He’s the author of three books, including his most recent, “I Am Your Sign.” Sean resides in San Ramon, CA with his wife Christa and their two children.

Who is Paul Hughes?
Paul is the founder of Kingdom Forerunners, a paryer, justice, and mission leadership organization based in Birmingham, Al. He served for over 25 years with InterVarsity Paul has also lead numerous events addressing issues of racial injustice against African American and Native American communities. Paul lives with his wife Lucy; together they have three sons and four grandchildren.