How to Engage with Jesus Loves Kzoo as a Church or Organization

What are the first steps to engaging YOUR Church or organization?

1) Read through our Faith Statement.  If as a church, faith community or non-profit organization, you agree that Jesus Christ (the son of God, our crucified and risen Lord) is the only way to salvation, the Bible is the final Authority in all matters of faith and practice, and that all people have a right to hear this Good News and be shown Christ’s Love, then your church is a vital part of the Jesus Loves Kzoo movement in our region!  Click here for our full Faith Statement

2) Contact us and let us know your church/organization is interested in getting involved: Contact Angella Brevitz or Keri Dykema at or 269-421-1866

3) Choose a Point Person or Point Team. Every church or organization will need a “JLK point person(s)”. The Point Person(s) will operate as the main communication link between the Jesus Loves organization and the individual churches/organizations.

Here are some easy ways to engage with the JLK Movement for the first time…

  1. Schedule times to pray for Kalamazoo 
  2. Encourage your pastors and leaders to come to the monthly JLK prayer luncheons
  3. Send a small group to do street ministry and let them share their testimonies
  4. Have a JLK representative speak at your church
  5. Recruit a small group to join with other experienced volunteers at a Catalyst Week Prayer and Grill site in July


As Jesus Loves Kzoo seeks to see “the Church” Mobilized and the Kalamazoo region Revived and Transformed for His Glory, what will be NEEDED from the Body?

 1) We need Pastors & Leaders willing to PRAY TOGETHER…

  • Pastor/Leader Prayer is the 3rd Thursday each month. Intercession and authentic relationship-building is the top priority of these gatherings, but it is also a vital time for vision-casting and communication.

 2)  We need a POINT PERSON for each Church & Ministry…

  • Every church needs a great JLK Point Person (or Point Team). The Point Person is the central communication link and the means to mobilize the individual churches. If possible, this role is best filled by someone other than the senior pastor.

 3)  We need your organization to PROVIDE…

  • Servants with a Kingdom-Mindset — As we seek to be conduits of Christ’s love there is a role for everyone and for every gift. Servants are needed who understand it is about building God’s Kingdom rather than our own churches.
  • Donations (Financial and In-Kind) — Although the core of the JLK movement will always function primarily by volunteers, there are real costs behind every event. We ask the participating churches to consider contributing financially or by gathering needed supplies
  • Ministry Resources & Connections – We will need to know what ministry resources are available so we can effectively connect individuals to them.

 4)  We need a commitment to mutually COMMUNICATE…

  • To mobilize the Church effectively it will require a commitment to read emails, attend meetings and regularly follow our website, facebook and social media.

 5) We need Christ-Centered Grace, Honor & Love for ONE ANOTHER…

  • We (the Church) will need to have non-offendable, humble hearts toward one another, and a willingness to be stretched and refined – keeping our eyes and focus on Jesus.  (Phil 2:1-15)